Wildlife parks in Singapore (part 1)
by Monika Suchoszek
Jurong bird park
Jurong bird park was the first of all four parks visited by us. This one has the largest number of species I have never seen in my life! According to the official website the park is a home for 5000 birds across 400 species, 29 of them are threatened species :O Huge free flying aviaries were the biggest surprise for me! We could easily meet Victoria Crowned Pigeons, walking right next to us and at the same time see giant iguana lizard walking slowly on the top of the aviary :p

During our walk we also spotted stunning birds of paradise. They are very loud what actually helped us to notice them and their gorgeous, colorful feathers.
The next interesting place in the park is called Lory Loft where you can walk on a suspension bridge, purchase a portion of food and enjoy intimate moments with lories!

Hornbills were amazing, with their colorful and outstanding beaks.

Next, we joined the High Flyers show organised two times a day in the Pools Amphitheatre. During the show, birds like flamingos, pelicans, parrots, hornbills are doing tricks, flying through a ring or sing. I loved the moments when these big birds were making loops in the air just above the audience. We truly relished this 30 min performance :D
The feathers of flamingos have really intense orange colors what depands on the level of carotenoids in their diet.
Since we loved the first show, Kings of the Skies was the second one available for visitors and we used our chance to join it. White tailed sea eagle started the show by fishing a plastic snake out of the pond during a flight! Owls showed us how incredibly silent their flight can be while Harris hawks were catching pieces of meat in the air. The last part belonged to ravenous vultures, circling around fake bull carcass.
River safari
Giant pandas, Kai Kai and Jia Jia and their friend red panda are the highlight of River safari which is localized next to Singapore Zoo. A large forest, cooled to 18-22°C, is the place where these pandas spend their time in very comfortable conditions with the plenty of sun coming through the glass ceiling.
Turtles, otters, catfish, sturgeons, crocodiles and many other species can be observed in a big number of fish tanks. There is also giant aquarium (the word’s largest feshwater gallery!) with Manatees. As we noticed these slow-moving animals, most of the time resting submerged in the water. Actually I haven’t seen them breathing and as I later read they don’t do this very often, every few to 20 min :)
Don’t be surprised by the high number of monkeys running around in the special walk-through enclosure!
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